Wednesday 2 July 2014

Why observe only one day for our mothers?

Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargadapi Gariyasi (Mother and motherland are superior to the Heaven)
In Indian culture, the mother holds the highest importance. According to Hindu mythology, the mother is the energy source of the whole universe. She is prakriti, shakti and an embodiment of divinity. The worship of goddess as the mother is an important part of Hindu belief. In Manusmruti, it has been stated, “The mother is revered a thousand times more than the father.” In our culture, the mother has been worshiped since times immemorial. The word ‘Ma’ is uttered with great affection almost in all Indian languages.
As the western culture has made inroads into Indian society, the celebrations of various days are now in vogue. And Mother’s Day is no exception. Indians are now also celebrating this day by wishing their mothers and getting them gifts. With each passing year, the commercialisation of Mother’s Day is gaining momentum.
Do we really need to allot a special day to pay tribute to the most important person in our life? Is it necessary to show our care, respect and love for mothers only on one day in the whole year? Can’t we celebrate and honour motherhood in the remaining 364 days too?
Everyday should be Mother’s Day, as one day is too short to revere the person because of whom we are in the world. It is our duty to show love, care and respect for mothers all the time. However, with the growing distance between parents and children, many parents now find themselves in emotional distress. Several elderly parents are deprived of family support, care and affection.  It is also a reality that the emotional bond between mothers and children has become weak.
If Mother’s Day gives a reason to salute motherhood, then the promise to take better care of the mother daily should be the ideal gift for the day. It is perhaps the best time to realise that our mothers’ happiness does not lie in attractive gifts; rather it lies in our unconditional love and affection for them. This realisation can certainly make everyday a Happy Mother’s Day.

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