Wednesday 2 July 2014

Do you know the adverse effects of online music downloading?

The phenomenal growth of the Internet-based industry has bestowed several benefits on the country; however, its flip side cannot be ignored. Illegal downloading is one such adverse effect that has posed a serious threat to the country’s entertainment industry. With the widespread use of the Internet, online downloading has become a more viable option, enabling people to download music and movies almost free of cost.
This practice is an infringement of the country’s Copyright Act, which provides legal protection for the work of artists, authors and film directors. The violation of the act is an offence.
Illegal downloading sources rampant form of music piracy due to which, our music industry incurs whopping losses every year. A report of Ernst and Young, named “The Effects of Counterfeiting and Piracy on India’s Entertainment Industry” revealed the Indian film industry lost $959 million and 571,896 jobs due to the piracy. Besides, because of this widespread piracy, the government is deprived of tax revenues, jobs are lost and research and innovation always take a back seat.
Finally, this illegal practice also takes a toll on artists and musicians. People love downloading songs of their favourite artists; however, they do not have the slightest idea how their brazen act spells trouble for their favourite singers. All artists and musicians are paid the royalties on their songs, paid to them every time a record is bought or played on the radio. The menace of illegal downloading deprives them of their money.
Illegal music downloading from various websites is a severe problem, which should be addressed immediately. Stringent laws and action are undoubtedly the need of the hour. Besides, it is also necessary to acquaint people with the ill-effects of this practice. Combined efforts and strict regulations can save our entertainment industry from this pitfall.

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